Sunday, December 15, 2013

Merry Christmas

We will not be having a vocabulary quiz this week.  I hope all of you have a Merry Christmas and enjoy the time with your families.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

5th Grade Vocabulary--Lesson 10 part 2

1.       Conservation—the preservation and careful management of the environment and of natural resources

2.       Conservationist—a person who works to make sure that natural resources are not destroyed

3.       Destruction—breaking into pieces, making something not usable, putting an end to something

4.       Endangered—animal or plant species that are in danger of becoming extinct

5.       Environmentalist—a person who works to protect the environment from destruction or pollution

6.       Excessive—beyond or above normal amounts

7.       Federal—laws that apply to all states across the country

8.       Impact—the effect something has on a person or a thing

9.       Invasive—tending to spread out of control

10.   Pollution—harmful materials, chemicals, or dirt that can damage the water, soil, and air

11.   Purpose—an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions

12.   Significant—full or meaning; important

13.   Species—organisms that are similar in appearance and can mate to produce offspring

14.   Threatened—likely to become endangered if it is not protected

4th Grade Vocabulary 99-108

99.  caverns—a large cave formed by groundwater dissolving limestone

100.  caves—an empty place under the ground, often with an opening in the side of a hill

101.  pillar—the joining of a stalactite and a stalagmite

102.  igneous—rocks that formed when magma or melted rock from deep inside the earth rises and cools

103.  limestone—sedimentary rock where most caves are formed

104.  metamorphic—rocks that change due to heat and pressure

105.  sedimentary—pieces of sand, clay and dirt that are pressed together to form layered rocks

106.  spelunking—exploring and/or mapping a cave
107.  stalactites—mineral growths that form on the ceilings of caves

 108.  stalagmites—mineral deposits that grows upward from the floor of a limestone cave

Thursday, December 5, 2013

4th Grade--Vocabulary 85-98

85. canyon--a valley that is deep with very steep sides 86. cave--a large hole found in rock or underground 87. delta--land made up of soil that a river has carried and left at the place where the river flows into the sea 88. dune--hill of sand piled up by the wind 89. floodplain--low, flat land along a river that may be underwater during a flood 90. glacier--a huge, slow moving mass of ice 91. hill--a place that is higher than the ground around it but smaller than a mountain 92. island--a body of land surrounded on all sides by water 93. mountain range--a group of chain of mountains 94. sinkhole--large hole in ground formed when the roof of a cavern collaspe 95. spring--fresh water found underground and flows to the surface 96. stream--a small body of running water over the earth's surface 97. valley--the low land between hills 98. volcano--a hill or mountain formed when melted rock is forced through the earth's surface

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

5th Grade--Lesson 10 Vocabulary

1. Endangered species—a species that is in danger of becoming extinct 2. Extinct—no longer found living on Earth 3. Habitat—a place where a living thing is found naturally 4. Invasive species—a species that is not native to an ecosystem and harms the ecosystem 5. Pesticide—a chemical used to kill unwanted animals, or pests 6. Pollution—the release of a harmful substance into the environment 7. Threatened—likely to become and endangered species 8. Conservation—the careful management and usage of the environment 9. Environment—all the living and nonliving things surrounding an organism—a living thing 10. People—the number one reason every animal is endangered or extinct

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

5th Grade--Energy Vocabulary

1. Fluorescent—an efficient type of light bulb 2. Audit—to review or examine thoroughly 3. Efficient—make good use of; not wasteful 4. Energy—the ability to cause a change in matter 5. Geothermal—heat energy from inside the earth 6. Hydroelectric—form of electric energy we get from moving water 7. Incandescent—an electric lamp in which a wire is heated to glow and produce light 8. Radiometer—meter to detect and measure radiant energy 9. Solar—sources of power that come from light or the sun 10. Transformer—device that increases or decreases voltage in a power line

4th Grade--Review 3

1. Anatomy—the structure of a plant or animal or any of its parts. 2. Behavior—a living things reaction to its environment 3. Condition—state in which a person or thing is 4. Description—a statement in words that gives a picture or account of something 5. Era—a particular period in history 6. Evidence—the data used to draw a conclusion 7. Features—parts of an animal’s or person’s body 8. Fossil—prints or a trace of an animal in rock that lived many years ago 9. Fossilization—the making of a fossil 10. Habitats—the natural surroundings of a plant or animal 11. Natural—found in nature, not made by people 12. Observation—using your senses to gather data 13. Organisms—all kinds of living things 14. Species—a group of organisms that look alike and can mate 15. Trace—a mark left behind by someone or something

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

5th Grade Review 2 Vocabulary

1. Commensalism—a type of symbiosis in which one species benefits from the relationship, while the other is unaffected 2. Mutualism—a type of symbiosis in which both species benefit from the relationship 3. Parasitism—a type of symbiosis in which one species benefits from the relationship while the other is harmed 4. Symbiosis—a close relationship between two species 5. Food Web—a model that shows how energy moves from one organism to another in an ecosystem. It is made up of many food chains. 6. Food chain—a model that shows how energy moves from one organism to another in an ecosystem 7. Carnivore—a consumer that eats mainly other animals 8. Decomposer—an organism that gets energy by breaking down dead organisms or waste produced by living things 9. Herbivore—a consumer that eats mainly plants 10. Omnivore—a consumer that eats both plants and animals 11. Producer—an organism that used the energy from sunlight to produce its own food 12. Community—populations of different species living together in the same ecosystem 13. Population—a group of organisms of the same species that lives in a certain area 14. Species—a group of organisms that can mate with each other and produce offspring 15. Ecosystem-a system made up of all the living and nonliving things in an area

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

4th Grade Vocabulary 75-84

75. anatomy—the structure of a plant or animal or any of its parts 76. behavior—a living things reaction to its environment 77. condition—state in which a person or thing is 78. description—a statement in words that gives a picture or account of something 79. era—a particular period in history 80. evidence—the data used to draw a conclusion 81. external—having to do with the outside 82. features—parts of an animal’s body or person’s body 83. geologist—a scientist who studies the earth 84. organisms—all kinds of living things

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

4th Grade Vocabulary Review 2

Vocabulary   Review 2
1.  abiotic—nonliving parts of an ecosystem
2.  biome—a large region in the same climate and geographical area
3.  continually—often repeated; again and again
4.  earthquake—a shaking of the land that occurs when huge areas of rock move
5.  environment—all living and nonliving surroundings that affect an organism
6.  explanation—a reason why something happened
7.  field investigation—a study done often outdoors
8.  hazard—to expose to danger or harm
9.  investigation—a study by close examination
10.  journal—a daily record or account
11.  precaution—something done beforehand to prevent harm or danger
12.  reaction—an action in response to something
13.  reasonable—showing or using good sense and thinking
14.  various—different kinds; more than one
15.  volcano—an opening in the earth’s crust where molten lava and gases erupt

Monday, October 21, 2013

4th Grade Review Vocabulary 1

1.  abiotic—nonliving parts of an ecosystem
2.  conduct—to behave in a certain way
3.  ecosystem—all the living and nonliving things in an environment
4.  employ—to use something
5.  environment—the soil, air, and water around us that affect living things
6.  field investigation—a scientific study often done outdoors
7.  glaciers—huge sheets of ice that move slowly
8.  gram—a unit of weight in the metric system
9.  journal—a record of events
10.  liter—basic unit of liquid volume in the metric system
11.  measure—to find out how big or small something is
12.  pattern—a repeated set of events, characteristics, or features
13.  precaution—something done beforehand to prevent harm or danger
14.  reasonable—showing or using good sense and thinking
15.  volcano—an opening in the earth’s crust where molten lava and gases erupt

5th Grade--Lesson 9 Vocabulary

1.      Commensalism—a type of symbiosis in which one species benefits from the relationship, while the other is unaffected

2.      Host—an organism that is harmed by a parasite

3.      Mutualism—a type of symbiosis in which both species benefit from the relationship

4.      Parasite—an organism that takes energy and nutrients from a second species, called a host

5.       Parasitism—a type of symbiosis in which one species benefits from the relationship while the other is harmed

6.      Predator—an animal that hunts and kills other animals for food

7.      Prey—an animal that is hunted and killed by a predator

8.      Species—a group of organisms that can mate with each other and produce offspring

9.      Symbiosis—a close relationship between two species

10.  Food web—a model that shows how energy moves from one organism to another in an ecosystem.  It is made up of many food chains.

11.   Food chain—a model that shows how energy moves from one organism to another in an ecosystem

Sunday, October 6, 2013

4th Grade Vocabulary 51-64

Vocabulary   51-64

51.  abiotic—nonliving parts of an ecosystem
52.  biotic—living or once-living things in an ecosystem
53.  earthquake—a shaking of the land that occurs when
            huge areas of rock move.
54.  ecosystem—all of the living and nonliving things in an
55.  erosion—the movement of rock particles by wind,
            water, ice, or gravity
56.  glaciers—a large, slowly moving mass of ice
57.  gradually—slowly, over a period of time
58.  portion—a part of the whole thing
59.  process—actions done in a special order
60.  reasonable—showing or using good sense and
61.  recognize—to be aware of; notice
62.  various—different kinds; more than one
63.  volcano—an opening in the earth’s crust where
            molten lava and gasses erupt
64.  weathering—the breaking down of rocks by water,
            wind, plant, ice and chemicals


5th Grade--Lesson 8 Vocabulary

Lesson 8 Vocabulary   5th grade

1.      Carnivore—a consumer that eats mainly other animals

2.      Consumer—an organism that gets energy by eating other organisms

3.       Decomposer—an organism that gets energy by breaking down dead organisms or waste produced by living things

4.      Energy—the ability to make things move or change

5.      Food chain—a model that shows how energy moves from one organism to another in an ecosystem

6.      Food web—a model that shows how energy moves from one organism to another in an ecosystem.  It is made up of many different food chains.

7.      Herbivore—a consumer that eats mainly plants

8.      Omnivore—a consumer that eats both plants and animals

9.      Photosynthesis—the process by which plants and some other organisms use energy from sunlight to make their own food

10.      Producer—an organism that uses the energy from sunlight to produce its own food

Thursday, September 26, 2013

4th Grade Vocabulary 39-50

39.          abiotic—non living parts of an ecosystem
40.          biome—a large region in the same climate and geographical area
41.          biotic—living or once living part of an ecosystem
42.          conduct—to carry out an experiment
43.          construct—to build something or create
44.          ecosystem—an area in which living and nonliving things interact
45.          environment—all living and nonliving surroundings that affect an organism
46.          equipment—the things needed or used for a particular purpose
47.          explanation—a reason why something happened
48.          field investigation—a scientific investigation done outdoors
49.          journal—a daily record of events or occurrences
50.          natural—not made by people, made by nature

5th Grade Lesson 7 Vocabulary

1.      binoculars—a tool that makes things that are at a distance appear closer
2.      community—populations of different species living together in the same ecosystem

3.      ecosystem—a system made up of all the living and nonliving things in an area

4.      hand lens—a tool that makes small things appear larger and can be used to observe

5.      microorganism—a living thing that is too small to see with the unaided eye

6.      microscope—a tool that makes very small things appear much larger

7.      organism—a living thing

8.      population—a group of organisms of the same species that lives in a certain area

9.      record—to write down

10.  species—a group of organisms that can mate with each other and produce offspring.

Monday, September 2, 2013


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  • Lists of current vocabulary words.
  • Link to games I have created to help you study for upcoming quizzes and/or tests.
  • Links to resources for projects when needed
  • A calendar of upcoming quizzes, tests, and assignments.